Foundry (2016-2017)
Foundry looks at the evolution of form and visual gesture within closed systems -- specifically state variable grids. As a child I was fascinated with blocks in that they could essentially become anything, and in that I see opportunity to create distilled versions of the concept as creative tools. Consisting of both these art tools and their eventual art byproducts, Foundry additionally proved itself useful as a architecture for meditative and collaborative action. Although incomplete (I never got around to writing on the topic as an accompaniment), I regularly use these concepts in my visual and sonic works as a tool for arrangement and relationship in composition.
Earthworm (2016)
23" x 10" ; 14" x 4.5" ; 8x8" stain, lacquer on tooled wood (poplar, burl maple, found, various) Earthworm is the original prototype Forge, consisting of three base boards and two relative grid / cube sizes (1.5" and 1"). It was designed to be completely open ended, all parameters of use being left up to the participants (though I had suggestions that are laid out in some of the YouTube videos). |
Glowbox (2016)
7" x 15" x 12" wood, stain, metal, plexiglass, LEDs, batteries, velcro Glowbox moves from the modular units of Earthworm to a two dimensional system with on / off states. An angled plate of 3x3 bright white LEDs are arranged over a relative array of on/off switches. This piece was severely damaged during exhibition and has since been cannibalized for other projects. |
Stratum (2017)
5.25" x 15" x 6" wood, stain, metal, plexiglass, LEDs, batteries, velcro Stratum expands upon Glowbox with an eight state system (off, red, blue, green, magenta, cyan, yellow, white). |